Santa's Survival Guide:
What to expect
Santacon is an annual convention for Santa and his holiday brethren.
Expect holiday cheer, unconventional gifts, naughty carols and general mayhem.
Do not expect to be entertained: Santa IS the entertainment!
How to be Santa
Santa doesn’t just wear a cool suit and invade your dad’s liquor cabinet: he also brings gifts!
A gift can be a reindeer game, a song, a dance or a joke to entertain Santa and tourists alike.
How NOT to be Santa
Santa never endangers his reindeer with violence, vandalism, inappropriate groping or theft.
Santa never gets SO jolly he needs babysitting.
Santa never expects to get away with behavior that an ordinary citizen wouldn’t.
It’s not a bar crawl
Every time you call Santacon a bar crawl, a sugarplum fairy dies.
Pic of the Day