I have become a great fan of Twitter its real time happenings and people seem to throw comments on there rather than fluff around posting on blogs.
Some of the comments I found typing in "Vincent D'Onofrio"

(Simply gorgeous photo of Vincent D'Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe)
1075FRANKFM: Vincent D'onofrio from Law & Order: Criminal Intent just told Bill & Heidi that his best on screen kiss came from Janine Garofalo! Huh??(5 days ago)
proto81: Just saw Star Trek, IMAX style. Spotted Vincent D'Onofrio in the theatre. Lesson learned: See Star Trek & sit with celebs! (7 days ago)
bdonnelly: Just saw Law & Order's Vincent D'Onofrio in my local Walgreens... ( 9 days ago)
I have become a great fan of Twitter its real time happenings and people seem to throw comments on there rather than fluff around posting on blogs.
Some of the comments I found typing in "Vincent D'Onofrio"

(Simply gorgeous photo of Vincent D'Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe)
1075FRANKFM: Vincent D'onofrio from Law & Order: Criminal Intent just told Bill & Heidi that his best on screen kiss came from Janine Garofalo! Huh??(5 days ago)
proto81: Just saw Star Trek, IMAX style. Spotted Vincent D'Onofrio in the theatre. Lesson learned: See Star Trek & sit with celebs! (7 days ago)
bdonnelly: Just saw Law & Order's Vincent D'Onofrio in my local Walgreens... ( 9 days ago)
I hate these people.
Congratulations for getting ont the Google Alerts for Vincent.
I just don't 'get' the twitter thing. Am I alone?
I've never even looked at Twitter. I don't really get it. Is it really addictive?
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